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'Troubleshooting Five Common Paper Shredder Problems'
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'<br><br>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Paper shredders are great machines that can<br>help keep everyone's private information under wraps. However, it<br>doesn't matter if you own a personal-sized device or a departmental<br>one, you probably will experience some problems with it at some point.<br><br>Here are five common problems and some ideas on how to fix them.<br> <br>The shredder won't operate - at all. This<br><br>is a very common problem and it often can be solved very easily by<br>ensuring the device is plugged into the wall. This alone fixes the<br>problem a lot of the time. You should also ensure that the cutting head<br>is situated properly since some machines won't operate if it's out of<br>place for safety reasons. You can also check your owner's manual to see<br><br>if it could be something else if these two options don't work.<br> <br>The [https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=machine machine] suddenly stops in the middle of a job.<br>If this occurs, chances are your shredder just needs a break. Most of<br>the smaller ones lack continuous-duty motors and can need as many as 20<br>minutes before they're ready to go again. You should also check to see<br><br>if the machine is jammed or if the waste basket is full. A lot of<br>devices will cease operating when the bin fills up to give you a chance<br>to empty it.<br> <br>There's a paper jam. <br>Even if you have one of the so-called "jam-free" shredders, you'll<br>probably have to deal with a paper jam at some point. Most jams can be<br><br>cleared up by simply running the machine in reverse and removing the<br>paper. If the shredder keeps jamming, you can help resolve things by<br>oiling it. (The next section contains information on how to do this.)<br> <br>The shredder makes too much noise.<br>Some of the units out there are noisy from the get-go. However, if your<br><br>machine is making more noise than usual, there could be something wrong<br>with it. Or it could just need to be oiled. It's important to oil your<br>shredder on a regular basis so that it stays in good working condition.<br>(And to make sure it runs as quietly as possible.) Your instruction<br>manual should have some information on how to oil the device, but if it<br><br>doesn't, all you need to do is soak a sheet of paper with oil and [https://www.content-spinning.fr/ redaction] run<br>it through the device. Follow that up by running a dry sheet through it<br>and you should be good to go. (Note: don't use anything but shredder<br>oil. Using other liquids could damage the machine.)<br> <br>The device won't take in any paper - at all.<br><br>Finally, if your shredder refuses to take in any paper, it may have<br>stripped gears or be damaged in some other way. If the cutting<br>mechanism isn't rotating, you'll probably need to have the machine<br>serviced. (Or, in some extreme cases, you might have to replace the<br>device.)<br> <br>Hopefully this guide has helped to resolve any issues you might<br><br>have been having with your shredder. If you're experiencing a problem<br>that hasn't been mentioned or if you've tried the above tips and they<br>haven't worked, you may want to call in a professional to get to the<br>root of the problem. This will help you get your machine back to work<br><br>and it will help preserve the warranty.<br><br>Happy shredding!<br>'
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