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'BBC Tweaks Articles To Replace Phrase apos;assigned Female At Birth apos;'
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'BBC Tweaks Articles To Replace Phrase apos;assigned Female At Birth apos;'
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'A top  executive intervened to reinstate the word 'women' after a backlash against a journalist who substituted it for the phrase 'assigned female at birth'. <br>Rhodri Talfan Davies, the BBC's director of nations, reportedly asked for 'women' to be added back into a March 26 feature on endometriosis.<br>An online article raising awareness of the condition came under fire for language which critics said 'obscured data on this already misunderstood and overlooked women's health issue.'<br> Rhodri Talfan Davies, (above) the BBC's director of nations, reportedly requested 'women' replace the [https://www.purevolume.com/?s=phrase%20%27assigned phrase 'assigned] female at birth' in a March 26 feature about endometriosis<br>The backlash was led by bestselling pregnancy author Milli Hill on Twitter, and after 'hundreds' of complaints the article was changed to state that endometriosis is a 'condition that affects one in 10 women of any age in the UK'.<br>Milli, from Somerset, faced a furious backlash in 2020 after challenging the use of the term 'birthing people' while speaking about obstetric violence - medical interventions performed during childbirth without a woman's consent.<br>Nickie Aiken, Conservative MP for the Cities of London and Westminster, also weighed in, stating she was 'born with, not assigned' her gender.<br> RELATED ARTICLES <br><br><br><br>Share this article<br>Share<br><br><br>She wrote: 'Like 51% of the UK population I was born not assigned a woman at birth. And after circa 500 periods, two pregnancies and labours and now the menopause, I can confirm it ain't no picnic. So I can't imagine what it is like to live with #endometriosis as well.'<br>Prior to being changed, the BBC article stated: 'On average it takes eight years to receive a diagnosis - a figure, according to the charity Endometriosis UK, that's not changed in a decade. There is no known cause or cure.'<br>Pregnancy campaigner and bestselling author Hill argued that endometriosis is a condition for which there is no cure, 'because this is an issue that only affects women'.<br> Originally, the March 26 article said endometriosis affected one in 10 people 'of any age in the UK, who are assigned female at birth'<br> The edited version of the article, which reinstated 'women' following a backlash <br>Sharing a screenshot of the original article, she wrote: 'Sex is not 'assigned at birth'. Saying '1 in 10 people' obscures the stat. Also, the reason there is 'no known cause or cure' is undoubtedly because this is an issue that only affects women, and has been consistently overlooked.'<br>The Corporation's official explanation for making the change was because the journalist had interviewed two women, [https://www.Content-Spinning.fr/ Redaction] but stronger reservations were shared by senior BBC staff.<br>One insider told: 'Management saw the language and thought the change was appropriate'.<br>A second source continued: 'I think management has woken up to this and if they're willing to take on idiots, that's good'.<br> The piece about alleged murderer Harvey Marcelin, (above) from New York City, was amended after publication to reveal she was in fact male-bodied and had recently started identifying as the opposite sex<br>Another article was recently updated about a suspected serial killer to make clear she had only recently started identifying as a transgender woman.<br>The piece about alleged murderer Harvey Marcelin, from New York City, was amended after publication to reveal she was in fact male-bodied and had recently started identifying as the opposite sex. <br>Marcelin, who killed two women in 1963 and 1984, was charged with murder, criminal tampering of evidence and concealment of a human corpse.     <br><br>adverts.addToArray({"pos":"inread_player"})Advertisement<br><br><br>data-track-module="am-external-links^external-links"><br>Read more:<br><br><br><br><br><br>DM.later('bundle', function()<br>DM.has('external-source-links', 'externalLinkTracker');<br>);'
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