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'Jury Deliberations Begin In Sex Abuse Forced Labor Trial'
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'Jury Deliberations Begin In Sex Abuse Forced Labor Trial'
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'<br>NEW YORK (AP) - A jury began [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/deliberating deliberating] Tuesday in the trial of Lawrence Ray, an ex-convict accused of moving into his daughter´s dorm at Sarah Lawrence College and manipulating her friends into a cult-like devotion to get free labor and millions of dollars.<br> <br>Federal prosecutors said Ray started by charming his young victims, then turned to physical abuse and psychological torment to extort money, sex and other favors.<br> <br>He tricked some into believing they had poisoned him, prosecutors said.<br><br>One woman testified she was coerced into prostitution.<br> <br>Although he did not testify, Ray maintained through his lawyers that he was falsely accused.<br> <br>Jurors were set to resume work Wednesday after deliberating less than an hour. Ray, 62, is [https://www.purevolume.com/?s=charged charged] with racketeering, sex trafficking, conspiracy, forced labor and other crimes.<br>He could face life in prison if convicted.<br> <br>Federal authorities began investigating Ray after a lengthy article in New York magazine explored his relationship with students at Sarah Lawrence, a small, private liberal arts college just north of New York City.<br> <br>At the trial, Ray was accused of spending nearly a decade manipulating a circle of his daughter's friends, who he met after moving into her dorm in 2010.<br> <br>One of them testified that Ray encouraged her to become a prostitute and pay him sex work proceeds as compensation for having poisoned him.<br><br>She said she paid Ray $2.5 million over a four-year period, [https://www.content-spinning.fr/ RéDaction] giving him between $10,000 and $50,000 a week.<br> <br>Closing arguments concluded Tuesday before Judge Lewis J. Liman.<br> <br>Ray´s lawyer, Marne Lenox, contended on Monday that Ray was the victim, and that the young people he lived with were "storytellers" who had made him feel attacked and paranoid.<br> <br>"Everyone was out to get him, Larry believed," Lenox said.<br> <br>In a rebuttal summation, Assistant U.S.<br><br>Attorney Danielle Sassoon criticized the defense for saying that multiple victims lied on the witness stand about their experiences.<br> <br>The judge, though, told the jury that "each lawyer was just doing their jobs."<br><br>adverts.addToArray({"pos":"inread_player"})Advertisement'
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