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'Why Is It Possible To Provide Serviceability And More Flexibility To An AC Bus Bar Partition'
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'Why Is It Possible To Provide Serviceability And More Flexibility To An AC Bus Bar Partition'
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'<br>Double Bus Bar (also known as single-arm or standby double bus) is a type of power distribution system commonly used for the purpose of supplying alternating current (AC). It is widely used in residential and commercial electrical circuits. Single bus bar without separation. Single arm [https://www.rhibusbar.com/product/electrical_power_bending_busbar.html power busbar] with secondary sectionalization. Ring bus. Double bus bar arrangement<br><br><br>The most important usage of single busbar without separation is in the case of power distribution to alternating current machines. Single-arm power distribution arrangement is also called as concentric ring arrangement and is mainly used in AC electric motors. In this arrangement, one or more concentric rings are arranged on the shaft that forms the AC power supply to the motor. This arrangement has the ability to induce currents that are in the form of direct current (DC) to the coil that supplies them. In addition, it facilitates high utilization of electrical power by reducing the induced losses.<br><br><br>One of the most popular applications of double busbar arrangement is in the power distribution to circuit breakers and heavy industrial equipment. It has an increased effectiveness over single-arm configuration in heavy-duty electrical circuits. It provides a stable and safe source of electrical power in the presence of excessive resistance and fluctuating conditions.<br><br><br>Busbars in heavy-duty electrical applications like car alternators are specially designed to withstand high overloads. The load immunity offered by the double busbar arrangement allows the generator to work under maximum voltage fluctuations and even shortcuts. This in turn offers long term stability and reliability to the system and provision of uninterrupted power supply during an outage.<br><br><br>In a typical single busbar setup, there is a separate supply for the heavy-duty motor. The load current carried by the first motor is distributed to the rest of the busbars by connecting them through capacitive or conductive or differential control. Depending upon the load requirement, the differential control is adjusted so as to provide the appropriate level of supply energizing current. For example, during heavy use, the constant voltage supplied by the terminals of each individual bus bar may become excessive. At such time, the output current can deenergize causing heavy spikes in voltage. In such a situation, the differential supply will be stepped up to avoid any drop in voltage.<br><br><br>Double Busbar Power System advantages include: efficient use of electrical power, simplified operation, better service quality, minimal disturbance to the operator and easy installation. The complete dual bus scheme offers power systems with balanced requirements, easy access and flexibility of application. It also enables automatic pressure switch off when all the buses have been switched off. The isolation provided by the double-battery isolator allows for better control over the voltage drop across individual cells. There is also less shock to the equipment due to the isolation. Single-battery isolators are often used in industrial applications and therefore are more expensive than the double-battery ones.<br><br><br>The entire bus system and each individual battery are susceptible to damage from high pressure surges. A ground fault can also occur, which is an unwanted event. Hence, a secondary isolator installed between the busbars provides protection against voltage fluctuations which can cause serious damage to the substations. The overall operational cost of the entire system, including the isolation, is less than that of a single battery operated unit. This is another reason why the energizing function is possible without supply interruption.<br><br><br>The most common disadvantage of these types of arrangements is that there is a reduction in the available spacing between the substations. The space needs to be added to accommodate the new batteries and their supporting structures and this may take place at the end of the existing cable system or at a different site entirely. Other disadvantages are that they do not provide enough electrical power to the substation and so may be a temporary fix only. Some other types of cable wire arrangement have much greater voltage capacity and are hence more suitable for applications requiring extreme voltage stability.<br>'
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