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'A Guide To The Best Treatment For Age Spots'
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'A Guide To The Best Treatment For Age Spots'
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'<br>Are you a melanotan - II junkie? I've seen these on many labels for discount lotions, so-called tanning lotions, over-the-counter "tansifiers" and even supposedly skin care products. Are they all the same? Not necessarily, although most of them have the melatonin-like effect of making us feel more relaxed or energetic, regardless of whether we're actually feeling any better or worse. Melanotan - II was developed as an alternative to melanoma, which has been shown to stimulate the skin pigment melanin.<br><br><br>Melanotan injections have been used for many years, but MT2 injections are new. Melanotan - II is actually a synthetic replica of the naturally occurring peptide hormone melanocyte stimulating hormone (SMPH), which stimulates melanogenesis in the skin and increases melanocyte production. Unlike melanoma, which works by increasing melanin production within the dermis, melanotan - II works by stimulating the production of melanocytes.<br><br><br>The advantages of melanotan - II over melanotan - I are fairly clear. For starters, melatonergic injections are less painful. No one is particularly happy about getting the "rubbing" type of painful melanotan injections, but SMPH injections can be painful enough that they're hardly worth it. Additionally, melanotan - II can be delivered more rapidly and more effectively, meaning less downtime than with SMPH treatments. Finally, melanotan - II is non-allergenic, meaning it's safe for most people.<br><br><br>But what about the disadvantages? In clinical trials melanotan - II showed no evidence of increasing melanocyte proliferation, melanoma or otherwise. At the very least, there's been very little evidence to suggest that melanotan - II is any more effective than the compounds that cause photoaging in the first place. In addition, melanotan - II may not be as effective in treating fair-skinned people as pure SMPH.<br><br><br>As if that weren't enough, melanotan - II has its drawbacks as well. It's easily absorbed by the body, so it's a good idea to use a good sun block when applying it. This means people who have a habit of going out a lot or working outdoors will need to be especially careful with it. In addition, melanotan - II may also contain small amounts of mercury, which may be dangerous to your health. Finally, it can't penetrate through the top layers of skin to reach the dermis, so it won't work as a treatment for age spots or dark circles.<br><br><br>The best choice for an effective melanoma treatment is melanotan gel, which can be found in a variety of forms such as creams, lotions, and sprays. Melanotan gel is similar to liquid skin because it only comes in one form (as a cream or lotion). When you loved this post and you would want to receive details concerning [http://www.supplybenzocaine.co.uk/news/44-en.html url] generously visit our own web site. The active ingredients are derived from natural plants and minerals such as folic acid, wakame, and vitamin E. As with any skin cream, you should look for an effective moisturizer, as this is where melanoma is most likely to be absorbed into the skin. It is very important, however, to read the label on the product and make sure there are no other irritating or toxic chemicals in the formula. If you find one that does work, you should only use it twice a day, as the skin can become dependent on it.<br>'
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