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'Jizhi Reborn Dolls Boys Review'
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'Jizhi Reborn Dolls Boys Review'
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'<br>The most popular of all reborn dolls is the Shyann Reborn Doll. This realistic, handcrafted dummy weighs about 2300 grams and is 19 inches long. Her beautiful skin and hair is hand rooted and she has dark brown eyes. She is painted with acrylic air-dry paints and is weighed with fine glass beads. She is dressed in newborn sized clothing and comes with a gift bag featuring bunny-themed items.<br><br>This company also sells reborn baby dolls. The reborn baby dolls are 22 inches tall with brown eyes. Their realistic features are rooted and sealed. The eyes are sealed and they have a real look. The company is secure and does not store your credit card information. You can place your order by phone, fax, or through email. They will not store your credit card information on file.<br><br>The Shyann Reborn Doll is a realistic replica of an actual infant. It has brown hair, curly brown eyes, and is 4-5 pounds. The beauty of these dolls is that they have lifelike features, such as rooted and sealed eyelashes, and have realistic features. Whether you're looking for a doll with a real resemblance to a newborn or simply want a reborn baby with realistic features, you can find one at macrobaby. The site does not store credit card information, so you can buy with confidence knowing that your credit card information will not be shared.<br><br>The Shyann Reborn Doll is a great choice for your child. These dolls have realistic curly brown hair and eyes, and are about 22 inches long. They are 4-5 pounds and weigh about five pounds. They are very realistic and can bring you much joy. The company does not store your credit card information. If you treasured this article and you would like to receive more info with regards to [https://www.ilbaby.com/ gifts For daddy from baby Girl] generously visit our own webpage. The company does not store your payment information. The website is secured and does not store credit card numbers.<br>'
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