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'Busbar Duct Systems'
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'<br>A transducer that includes a busbar is ideal for the installation of an air conditioning or refrigerant system that requires an isolation between the two. The geometry and the simplicity of its design, the transducer fits perfectly into a properly designed gas insulated busbar duct system because of its unique architecture.<br><br><br>However, not all types of busbar systems are the same and not all companies who design and manufacture them meet the same quality standards. In addition, even though a transducer consists of three parts - the tower, the interdynamic baffle and the busbar, they often differ in complexity, which could potentially increase their overall cost when assembled.<br><br><br>When selecting the type of busbar system for your installation, there are four basic types to consider. They are:<br><br><br>Flux-Cored: This is the least complex of the four busbar varieties. This is the most popular type used in the commercial market because it has the most flexibility and is the most cost effective. Because of its compact and flexible nature, it is ideal for integration within a duct system that is designed to isolate different air outlets, including the condenser, evaporator and compressor.<br><br><br>BTU Busbar: This type is the most common in the residential marketplace because of its greater flexibility. Although it is slightly more expensive than other types of busbars, it also has several benefits over its more complicated cousins. For instance, it can be combined with existing ductwork, and it does not need to have a flue as the center section of the unit.<br><br><br>BTU Busbar, Tertiary and Compressed-Gas: This type is usually considered one of the most versatile in its features and price range. Its flexible design allows it to be combined with existing ductwork without having to make changes to the existing configuration. It has a flue but not one as big as the other types of busbars. In addition to this, it also comes with a built-in thermostat.<br><br><br>Compressor-less Type: Although this type has a very small compressor, it does not use a tank of compressed gases. Instead, the unit contains a special type of electric motor that converts the heat energy in the air to electricity. The unit uses this energy for cooling purposes and for several years. The unit is also less expensive than the other types.<br><br><br>These are the main types of busbar systems available on the market today. Knowing the differences between the four basic types will help you choose the best option for your cooling and heating needs.<br><br><br>There are also three types of systems that feature a flexible duct system and do not need to have a flue to be installed. These are the flexible-basket duct system, BTU busbar, and compressor-less type of busbar duct system.<br><br><br>Flexible-Basket Busbar Duct System: This system works best if the ducts are already present. However, this type requires an extra room in the basement. To install, you will have to run the ducts from the existing ductwork, then to the [https://www.rhibusbar.com/ busbar] outlet, which are located at the back side wall of the basement, and back to the main ductwork.<br><br><br>BTU Busbar Duct System: This is the most common system. Its ductwork is not always located directly in the basement. Instead, the duct is installed in a duct system called a "BTS" or bend over system. In addition to the busbar outlet, the duct runs through a series of bends before reaching the main ductwork.<br><br><br>Compressor-less Busbar Duct System: The compressor-less busbar duct system is less complex than the flexible-basket type of system. It works only with flexible-basket systems. It is easier to install and doesn't require the extra room in the basement to install a flue. This duct system is the best for smaller ducts.<br><br><br>In order to keep costs down, it is recommended that you purchase these systems when your ducts are already installed and already cooled and you have a good air flow. These ducts are usually the best choice when you are installing ductwork for a single-unit or double-unit system.<br>'
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