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5 juin 2022 à 21:05 : KlausHeritage (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre filtre 1 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur The Game Fan Tan. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Liens externe si !page de guilde (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

Fan Tan (also known as fancan) is an old-fashioned game of gambling which was popular throughout China. It's a simple game of pure luck that is also very similar to blackjack. It's easy to grasp and master the rules. The game can be played with up to two people as well as package it in a multi-player online game.<br><br>Each player gets two hundred empty chips in Fan Tan. The chips are placed face-up on the table before the participant. When all players have had their turn, the dealer will then draw twenty-one random cards from his bag for each player. Each participant receives a deck that contains 13 cards. The dealer distributes seven cards left to every player, and then five cards right to them.<br><br>When all cards have been dealt, the dealer will call the player out "Mahjong!" The dealer follows up with "Mahjong!" and counts the cards from 1 to 13. When the last card has been dealt, the pile is flipped over, and the new stack is revealed. Each player receives one deck, face down If the players' stacks are identical the stacks, they are awarded a prize!<br><br>The game is typically played with four players. The scoring is performed separately if more than four players participate. Every single card in the player's hands will be scored on an ongoing basis. After the first round, the person who has the most pairs is the winner. Anyone who loses all pairs at after the conclusion of the second round will be taken out of the competition.<br><br>When the dealer draws the cards, there can be four results. A: the player doesn't draw any cards. B: The player will draw their first card.<br><br>Fan Tan can be very enjoyable to play, and there are some great strategies involved. There are those who prefer waiting for the player behind to draw an Ace, or even an e.G. (expect that this will occur during a live game). If the player who draws the second card doesn't draw either an e or the one who has the highest hands after the dealer has said, "Chess!" The loser must draw out of the dealer's hat. The "hat" is actually more like a bow, and the player holds it in his hands.<br><br>Fan Tan can be played using a an ordinary deck of 52 cards. It is possible to play it in one of two ways. First, you must sit in one place while the dealer deals the cards. After that, the participant decides which one will take the lead. First player to take their turn, but does not proceed to the end, can opt to keep taking turns or stay at the table.<br><br>A major thing to keep in mind is the fact that the person who is last might play first. It may seem confusing,  [ 토토사이트] nevertheless, it's essential to know that the person who plays last will always play first, if both players are in the same table where cards have already been dealt. A player can play for the entire time even though they have more than necessary cards. However, a player may only play one turn if they have cards that are face up on the table. Also, a player is able to play more than one turn if they hold more playing cards than necessary.

Paramètres de l’action

Nom du compte de l’utilisateur (user_name)
ID de la page (page_id)
Espace de noms de la page (page_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l’espace de noms) (page_title)
'The Game Fan Tan'
Titre complet de la page (page_prefixedtitle)
'The Game Fan Tan'
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Texte wiki de l’ancienne page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Texte wiki de la nouvelle page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
'Fan Tan (also known as fancan) is an old-fashioned game of gambling which was popular throughout China. It's a simple game of pure luck that is also very similar to blackjack. It's easy to grasp and master the rules. The game can be played with up to two people as well as package it in a multi-player online game.<br><br>Each player gets two hundred empty chips in Fan Tan. The chips are placed face-up on the table before the participant. When all players have had their turn, the dealer will then draw twenty-one random cards from his bag for each player. Each participant receives a deck that contains 13 cards. The dealer distributes seven cards left to every player, and then five cards right to them.<br><br>When all cards have been dealt, the dealer will call the player out "Mahjong!" The dealer follows up with "Mahjong!" and counts the cards from 1 to 13. When the last card has been dealt, the pile is flipped over, and the new stack is revealed. Each player receives one deck, face down If the players' stacks are identical the stacks, they are awarded a prize!<br><br>The game is typically played with four players. The scoring is performed separately if more than four players participate. Every single card in the player's hands will be scored on an ongoing basis. After the first round, the person who has the most pairs is the winner. Anyone who loses all pairs at after the conclusion of the second round will be taken out of the competition.<br><br>When the dealer draws the cards, there can be four results. A: the player doesn't draw any cards. B: The player will draw their first card.<br><br>Fan Tan can be very enjoyable to play, and there are some great strategies involved. There are those who prefer waiting for the player behind to draw an Ace, or even an e.G. (expect that this will occur during a live game). If the player who draws the second card doesn't draw either an e or the one who has the highest hands after the dealer has said, "Chess!" The loser must draw out of the dealer's hat. The "hat" is actually more like a bow, and the player holds it in his hands.<br><br>Fan Tan can be played using a an ordinary deck of 52 cards. It is possible to play it in one of two ways. First, you must sit in one place while the dealer deals the cards. After that, the participant decides which one will take the lead. First player to take their turn, but does not proceed to the end, can opt to keep taking turns or stay at the table.<br><br>A major thing to keep in mind is the fact that the person who is last might play first. It may seem confusing, [ 토토사이트] nevertheless, it's essential to know that the person who plays last will always play first, if both players are in the same table where cards have already been dealt. A player can play for the entire time even though they have more than necessary cards. However, a player may only play one turn if they have cards that are face up on the table. Also, a player is able to play more than one turn if they hold more playing cards than necessary.'
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)