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23 juin 2022 à 18:13 : IsaacZal677172 (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre filtre 1 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Batman: The Joker Halloween Costume Game. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Liens externe si !page de guilde (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

Joker Seven lets you take the control of Joker Seven, a fictional character who is seeking to stop an international terrorist attack. All this is accompanied by mysterious clues, risky circumstances and unknown forces. Joker Seven is definitely a special combination of symbols and clues all that have multiple possibilities. Joker Seven's endings are influenced by your choices throughout the game.<br><br>Two students argue over the boy's situation at Cambridge University. One gets a gun out and starts shooting but manages to miss his intended target. In the process, the bullet strikes his brother, who then gets hit and falls to the ground. The brother is injured from the shooting. the brother escapes and later finds out that he has been hit by the same bullet , and is in serious condition.<br><br>The next morning all the campus had been completely destroyed through a virus. The only ones who aren't injured are those who lived near the explosion site. The survivors of the team suffered injuries and confusion as they realized the bomb had been deliberately detonated by their partner during their research. The investigation of the incident further reveals that the perpetrator is using a clown figure as an extra agent. The clown needs to be stopped by Seven prior  [ 먹튀검증업체] to he is able to carry out his plots of evil.<br><br>Each participant assumes the character of a scientist or a soldier. The Joker figures include clown Seven and others. Players alternate picking from several choices. The players also get thirteen joker playing cards to use for their turn. The aim of the game is for players to create the joker Seven using their thirteen playing cards, while keeping out others who have access to the 12 playing cards which can affect the outcome of the game.<br><br>As an example, one of the players chooses the joker figure as well as the green circle to symbolize his team. Another player picks the dark blue square and  [ 먹튀검증업체] the dark blue triangle representing his opponents. The joker card is kept hidden in the form of a cross so that only the seven of hearts represents the winning pattern these two players strive for when they play this game , whose primary goal is to make a seven card winning pattern in less than 100 and twenty seconds.<br><br>Each player is given thirteen jokers. They are laid out face-down on the table. A player selects one of the jokers to be placed on top of the joker pack. this card then is the focus of all others for the duration of their turn. Each player has twenty-five seconds to complete the game. In order to facilitate players to complete the game The game tray that contains each joker is split into four quadrants. It allows players to find the joker's position on the joker pack easily.<br><br>The dark knight hides in the middle of the joker box throughout the creation process. In the pregame show it is the only thing that players are able to see. It features all the funny humor and several of the most famous moves of the Dark Knight, such as "heat wave". It's a great show that is not just entertaining, but keeps the audience amused during the crucial moments where the fate of the game is determined.<br><br>After the final show, the show ends, and there's another mini-match in the next. The clown will replace his mask as a joker during this mini-match. Joker, evil king of all villains is now one of the latest victims of his seven sins. The joker is much more than an ordinary clown. He is also well-armed and ready to put up a fight against Batman, who is far more than just the Batman who helps save the city on a regular every day.

Paramètres de l’action

Nom du compte de l’utilisateur (user_name)
ID de la page (page_id)
Espace de noms de la page (page_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l’espace de noms) (page_title)
'Batman: The Joker Halloween Costume Game'
Titre complet de la page (page_prefixedtitle)
'Batman: The Joker Halloween Costume Game'
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Texte wiki de l’ancienne page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Texte wiki de la nouvelle page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
'Joker Seven lets you take the control of Joker Seven, a fictional character who is seeking to stop an international terrorist attack. All this is accompanied by mysterious clues, risky circumstances and unknown forces. Joker Seven is definitely a special combination of symbols and clues all that have multiple possibilities. Joker Seven's endings are influenced by your choices throughout the game.<br><br>Two students argue over the boy's situation at Cambridge University. One gets a gun out and starts shooting but manages to miss his intended target. In the process, the bullet strikes his brother, who then gets hit and falls to the ground. The brother is injured from the shooting. the brother escapes and later finds out that he has been hit by the same bullet , and is in serious condition.<br><br>The next morning all the campus had been completely destroyed through a virus. The only ones who aren't injured are those who lived near the explosion site. The survivors of the team suffered injuries and confusion as they realized the bomb had been deliberately detonated by their partner during their research. The investigation of the incident further reveals that the perpetrator is using a clown figure as an extra agent. The clown needs to be stopped by Seven prior [ 먹튀검증업체] to he is able to carry out his plots of evil.<br><br>Each participant assumes the character of a scientist or a soldier. The Joker figures include clown Seven and others. Players alternate picking from several choices. The players also get thirteen joker playing cards to use for their turn. The aim of the game is for players to create the joker Seven using their thirteen playing cards, while keeping out others who have access to the 12 playing cards which can affect the outcome of the game.<br><br>As an example, one of the players chooses the joker figure as well as the green circle to symbolize his team. Another player picks the dark blue square and [ 먹튀검증업체] the dark blue triangle representing his opponents. The joker card is kept hidden in the form of a cross so that only the seven of hearts represents the winning pattern these two players strive for when they play this game , whose primary goal is to make a seven card winning pattern in less than 100 and twenty seconds.<br><br>Each player is given thirteen jokers. They are laid out face-down on the table. A player selects one of the jokers to be placed on top of the joker pack. this card then is the focus of all others for the duration of their turn. Each player has twenty-five seconds to complete the game. In order to facilitate players to complete the game The game tray that contains each joker is split into four quadrants. It allows players to find the joker's position on the joker pack easily.<br><br>The dark knight hides in the middle of the joker box throughout the creation process. In the pregame show it is the only thing that players are able to see. It features all the funny humor and several of the most famous moves of the Dark Knight, such as "heat wave". It's a great show that is not just entertaining, but keeps the audience amused during the crucial moments where the fate of the game is determined.<br><br>After the final show, the show ends, and there's another mini-match in the next. The clown will replace his mask as a joker during this mini-match. Joker, evil king of all villains is now one of the latest victims of his seven sins. The joker is much more than an ordinary clown. He is also well-armed and ready to put up a fight against Batman, who is far more than just the Batman who helps save the city on a regular every day.'
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)