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7 juillet 2022 à 10:51 : KlausHeritage (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre filtre 1 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Double Deck Tan. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Liens externe si !page de guilde (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

Fan Tan Also known as fancan is an ancient Chinese gambling game that has been enjoyed for centuries in China. It's akin to roulette, however it's a game of pure luck. It was invented more than 5000 years ago in China and has since become popular the across the globe. It was re-invented by the Chinese as a gambling sport. This game has had such a huge following across Europe as well as in America that it has literally become a second religion.<br><br>There are four players in each game of Fan Tan There are two players for each team. One player is known as the Queen and the rest of the players are referred to as kings, queens , or Jacks. When the game begins, game each team is dealt three cards face down. Each player gets three cards, face-down, at the start of the game. In addition the dealer distributes three "enders" to each player. These are four cards that start off the game.<br><br>Each team picks one player to play Queen following the draw. The remaining players select cards to represent queens, kings,  [ 먹튀검증] or Jacks, based on the Fan Tan deck arrangement. Each team is dealt seven cards by the dealer, beginning with the Queen. The cards are distributed equally between the teams, with one card for each side of the table to ensure that there is an equal number of cards for each team.<br><br>When the seven cards have been dealt The Fan-tan judge will then ask each team to place bets. The card's value determines the amount you bet. This kind of game requires you to figure out what the card will do. If you are right your bet is doubled. If you're not, your bet will be reduced by one-third and the process continues until a player wins.<br><br>When the bet round has been completed, the dealer will then ask each team to take their cards from the Fan Tan card deck. This is where you can see the Fan Tan cards as well as the numbers that represent the numbers of the cards in the hand of every player. At the start of the game the team with the highest scoring card is the winner and continues until a winner is found. All cards of a winning team are removed and placed in the circle pile.<br><br>When playing Fan Tan, there are two rules to follow. The first rule is to ensure that all of your cards are in one place and to always face up. Many people keep their cards face down in the hope of finding a particular card and having it appear. The second rule is to eliminate the highest card from the deck and keep all of the cards facing up. This will prevent any chance of cheating.<br><br>One of the most well-known ways of cheating in a game of cards like Fan Tan is to remove a single card from the deck then cover the card on its face. When you are ready to play the game you may find that there aren't any cards left in the pack but you would have still won the game if you had just removed one card. In a double-deck tan there are usually 24 cards in the pack. There is the possibility to remove twenty-one or even thirty-two cards without the cheating. The person who wins the most in the game is the winner.<br><br>A double-deck tan is easier to manage and play with than one-deck tan. It is also possible that you don't need to deal with the same issue of having too many cards. You'll have twice the number of cards once you begin dealing. This makes the game more thrilling. If you're not sure you will get all your cards in the first turn, you may discard two to three cards and refresh yourself by using them again. This helps you stay focused on obtaining the best possible cards.

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ID de la page (page_id)
Espace de noms de la page (page_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l’espace de noms) (page_title)
'Double Deck Tan'
Titre complet de la page (page_prefixedtitle)
'Double Deck Tan'
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
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Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Texte wiki de l’ancienne page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Texte wiki de la nouvelle page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
'Fan Tan Also known as fancan is an ancient Chinese gambling game that has been enjoyed for centuries in China. It's akin to roulette, however it's a game of pure luck. It was invented more than 5000 years ago in China and has since become popular the across the globe. It was re-invented by the Chinese as a gambling sport. This game has had such a huge following across Europe as well as in America that it has literally become a second religion.<br><br>There are four players in each game of Fan Tan There are two players for each team. One player is known as the Queen and the rest of the players are referred to as kings, queens , or Jacks. When the game begins, game each team is dealt three cards face down. Each player gets three cards, face-down, at the start of the game. In addition the dealer distributes three "enders" to each player. These are four cards that start off the game.<br><br>Each team picks one player to play Queen following the draw. The remaining players select cards to represent queens, kings, [ 먹튀검증] or Jacks, based on the Fan Tan deck arrangement. Each team is dealt seven cards by the dealer, beginning with the Queen. The cards are distributed equally between the teams, with one card for each side of the table to ensure that there is an equal number of cards for each team.<br><br>When the seven cards have been dealt The Fan-tan judge will then ask each team to place bets. The card's value determines the amount you bet. This kind of game requires you to figure out what the card will do. If you are right your bet is doubled. If you're not, your bet will be reduced by one-third and the process continues until a player wins.<br><br>When the bet round has been completed, the dealer will then ask each team to take their cards from the Fan Tan card deck. This is where you can see the Fan Tan cards as well as the numbers that represent the numbers of the cards in the hand of every player. At the start of the game the team with the highest scoring card is the winner and continues until a winner is found. All cards of a winning team are removed and placed in the circle pile.<br><br>When playing Fan Tan, there are two rules to follow. The first rule is to ensure that all of your cards are in one place and to always face up. Many people keep their cards face down in the hope of finding a particular card and having it appear. The second rule is to eliminate the highest card from the deck and keep all of the cards facing up. This will prevent any chance of cheating.<br><br>One of the most well-known ways of cheating in a game of cards like Fan Tan is to remove a single card from the deck then cover the card on its face. When you are ready to play the game you may find that there aren't any cards left in the pack but you would have still won the game if you had just removed one card. In a double-deck tan there are usually 24 cards in the pack. There is the possibility to remove twenty-one or even thirty-two cards without the cheating. The person who wins the most in the game is the winner.<br><br>A double-deck tan is easier to manage and play with than one-deck tan. It is also possible that you don't need to deal with the same issue of having too many cards. You'll have twice the number of cards once you begin dealing. This makes the game more thrilling. If you're not sure you will get all your cards in the first turn, you may discard two to three cards and refresh yourself by using them again. This helps you stay focused on obtaining the best possible cards.'
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)