Journal des déclenchements du filtre anti-abus

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6 mai 2024 à 22:25 : RosemaryWentwort (discussion | contributions) a déclenché le filtre filtre 1 en effectuant l’action « edit » sur Utilisateur:RosemaryWentwort. Actions entreprises : Interdire la modification ; Description du filtre : Liens externe si !page de guilde (examiner)

Changements faits lors de la modification

Utilizing a credit history administration application is actually a strong tool for taking command of your finances and strengthening your credit reliability. Through understanding your credit report, deciding on the best app,  [ Going Here] establishing economic goals, as well as leveraging the app's attributes, you may properly handle your credit rating and also work in the direction of economic stability. Bear in mind to stay alert, remain updated, and also take practical measures to achieve your monetary goals.<br><br>My website; [ Going Here]

Paramètres de l’action

Nom du compte de l’utilisateur (user_name)
ID de la page (page_id)
Espace de noms de la page (page_namespace)
Titre de la page (sans l’espace de noms) (page_title)
Titre complet de la page (page_prefixedtitle)
Action (action)
Résumé/motif de la modification (summary)
Ancien modèle de contenu (old_content_model)
Nouveau modèle de contenu (new_content_model)
Texte wiki de l’ancienne page, avant la modification (old_wikitext)
Texte wiki de la nouvelle page, après la modification (new_wikitext)
'Utilizing a credit history administration application is actually a strong tool for taking command of your finances and strengthening your credit reliability. Through understanding your credit report, deciding on the best app, [ Going Here] establishing economic goals, as well as leveraging the app's attributes, you may properly handle your credit rating and also work in the direction of economic stability. Bear in mind to stay alert, remain updated, and also take practical measures to achieve your monetary goals.<br><br>My website; [ Going Here]'
Horodatage Unix de la modification (timestamp)